The Rise of Day Parties in Lagos

Google might not tell you this, but Lagos is the nightlife capital of Nigeria. The streets, clubs, beaches, and everything in between come alive at night. You would think that after dominating the nightlife scene, that would be enough. But no. Lately, organisers have been taking over the day. There has been a recent increase in daytime parties, with some even making it the focus of their theme.

Hear me out, the nightlife scene in Lagos is still as wild and fun as it always is, if not more, but more fun seekers are now beginning to look for more fun alternatives. From Beach getaway parties like Sunday at Ilashe to Day time raves like Even in the Day hosted DJ Six7even, event organisers are now catering to ravers who enjoy day time activities. The question though is, what is the impact of this on Night Parties? Does this new dimension complement or compete with nighttime events?

Both work for different demographics. Those who work during the day get to party at night. Those with curfews, expend their energy on parties in the day. If you’re a parent, there are higher chances you’d opt for a day party but if you’re single and possibly searching, chances are higher that you’d be at a couple of night parties. 

They even complement each other and this is because of the dynamic they’ve had since time immemorial. The Night parties are almost always an after party of the Day Parties. This is particularly for the first class party people; the ones that attend and enjoy both. Beach party in the day and an Amapiano thing at night. Both bring different things to the table and when balanced out well, it makes for a very fun-filled day. 

One thing for sure is that trends are great opportunities for both party planners and party goers. It’s not hard to imagine that this new trend will only become more prominent and widespread. Us party goers? We can’t pit two heavy-hitters against themselves. Both can definitely co-exist. 

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