How to take the best Instagram photos

Hi Friends, I’m still feeling the weekend vibe so I’m going to share this with you. Sharing is caring, right? This post would be very useful for you as you head out this long weekend. You can thank me in the comments section.

How do you take a perfect instagram photo? Or better still, how do you know an instagram worthy picture before you post.
 Who else battles with themselves trying to decide which photos to post on instagram? Hands up!
So, i decided to do a bit of research as to the kind of photos instagrammers consider as the ‘perfect picture’ pon the gram.
By the way, This is strictly for instagram users!


To me, there’s actually no ‘right’ pose, there’s just that pose that’s right with your body and complements your structure.
 You can try the trending pose, its what i call the ‘Set Square’ pose. (Everyone used a setsquare in school, right?)
The Set square pose is done by standing on tiptoe with one of your legs while the other stays on the ground giving you balance and of course giving you the Set Square shape. (Let’s all laugh together)
I’ve also noticed the ‘cute hand’ pose, where your hand reaches towards your groin. Some prefer it right between their thighs while others just gently rest the hand on any part of the thigh. These two styles of posing particularly flatters your thighs and would suit thick girls. You can also try common poses like ‘over the shoulder’, ‘Belfies’, ‘T-Rex Hands’, ‘cross legged with hands akimbo’, ‘the unlooking pose’, ‘the widely parted legs’ etcetera. Plus other poses that reveal your assets and God given physical goodness! You know there’s a certain way you pose that make these assets appear even larger. Don’t lie!


We definitely know makeup works magic on our faces. I’m a huge fan of makeup infact I’m an advocate for good makeup. If you’re a lady, please put some makeup on!
To get the perfect instagram photo, you have to be sure you have on some GOOD makeup. Your make up game has got to be strong, maybe not flawless but at least good enough to give you the glam to slay. Infact get someone to do your makeup if you’re not too sure about your makeup skills.(everyone is good with makeup these days). You don’t want to take a selfie with your crew and be the Nanny Mcfee in the mix.
Also, use quality makeup products or at least good enough to achieve the look you want.
Makeup on fleek?! Watch the likes roll in.


Let me give you an advance warning⚠ Whatever you do, make sure your face is visible!  (You see why you need good makeup?)
If all the elements of a good picture is present but your face isn’t quite visible then please trash it. We are serving speaking faces here!
Whether a pout, a smirk, a smile or a grin, it’s all great as long as it makes you look pretty. You need to understand what works for you, suits your facial structure and flatters your features. For instance,  I have a round face with prominent cheeks. Smiling will only make it more obvious so I just do a mild smile or pout. So you need to know what works for your kind of face.


You want a nice picture? Get a good phone! Brands like iPhone, Samsung or Sony are trusted for great cameras and amazing picture quality. Although iPhone works like magic, if you can’t afford it get something similar which you can afford. And if you still can’t afford it, Sister Girl, tell a friend to lend you, take the pictures, send them to your phone and post away! Make sure you know how to work the camera to perfection and in just one click you’ll be on your way to instagram stardom.


You might have your makeup on fleek, camera checked, outfit slayed, pose killed but if you don’t take the picture in the right location, it’s all going down to zero.
The location includes the setting/scenery and good lighting preferably daylight.
 All of these put together perfectly would make your picture and image come to life.
Someone once said the pictures you take outside the country are automatically pretty because of the ambience. Pretty true, I guess.


Selfies do make pretty instagram posts. Our case study for this topic is King Kylie!
 If you have all the previously discussed elements together then it’s time to bust a selfie move the Kardashian/Jenner way. Serve your face, tilt your head, pout your lips, get the right angle and Click!
You can also try the mirror selfie if there’s a pretty mirror close to you.
Who knows ‘finger mouthing’? It’s my all time favourite. You do it by placing your fingers close to your mouth in a sex way. Kylie Jenner is best known for that selfie pose. Tip: Make sure you have nicely manicured nails. Nobody wants to see your fingers with overly cropped nails.


Filter definitely makes you look a lot better than the actual picture. You can never go wrong with filter except you go over the top.
There’s a whole collection of filters to choose from on instagram and you can download filter apps as well. You can smoothen your skin, brighten your picture, give yourself some extra volume where there isn’t enough, put on more makeup (Yes), make a whole complexion switch or even turn yourself into an animal. No kidding!
Now is the time to put your photoshop skills to use. If you really can’t, you can get a friend to do it for you.

 So, all you have to do is Slay these photos and post!
Follow me on instagram by clicking here
and I’ll follow back to see those pretty pictures you’ll be posting this weekend.

Let’s unwind!

Photo credit: instagram

Instagram: @thelagosweekender
Twitter : @lagosweekender
Facebook : The Lagos Weekender

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