Solo Date Ideas You Should Try in Lagos

doing stuff alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely! — Enjoying your company should not feel foreign or weird, it’s an important part of being self aware and managing your mental health.  

Let’s be honest, the effects of COVID-19 and the lockdowns greatly altered how we socialize with people but another overlooked aspect of these global events is how we approach spending time alone. With the increased use of social media and the constant conversations on relationships and loyalty, it’s easy to forget that everything starts from within and what other perfect time to remind you about loving yourself, than Valentine’s season?   If you are single, then it is time to show yourself some love by trying fun activities you can enjoy alone, and this isn’t limited to this season, you can do it anytime. 

Here are 5 Solo Date Ideas to try in Lagos.

Go see a Movie/Play

not Netflix at home! — Going to a theatre or cinema is still one of the best ways to relax alone. It may sound cliché, but enjoying your own company while watching the right movie or Stage Play in a comfortable location is truly important.  Plus, it’s easy to find cinemas and theatres in Lagos, so it’s a solid option.   could be a spontaneous decision or planned either way, it’s a solo date idea that anyone can enjoy.

Explore the Beach

For a majority of people, the beach offers an environment ideal for relaxation and self-reflection. It’s a perfect spot to learn to sit with yourself and enjoy time alone. – Why not? — Get a cabin, walk the shoreline, sipping on coconut water while watching the sunset — sounds like heaven to me!
Weekender Recommends: Takwa Bay

Go to an Amusement Park

Looking for a rush of energy and adrenaline for your solo date? An amusement park is the right place to do that, get on those scary rides, go-kart racing, win yourself prizes, do anything and everything that will get your inner child leaping with excitement. — it’s all about loving yourself and exploring happiness

Make some Art

You don’t need to look far before you see a post or flyer about a sip and paint in Lagos — drum roll… Tried Pottery? — Lagos has a variety of things to offer, you just have to want something new and you’ll find it. Going to a sip and paint, a pottery class, or a textile workshop — you know what? — anything that intrigues your art bone, do it!

Take a dance class

We are always moving, it’s a part of how being alive works. Movement and Rhythm speak deeply to us — and they’re attracted to each other! — Lagos has a thriving Salsa culture (in fact social dancing), and there are communities from the Mainland to the Island. Pick one of great interest to you and explore more pieces of yourself or, you could just pop in at one of the classes in any location and dance away. Check out this video for options. — solo can be tough, but you make up the majority of it, quote me!

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