Hosting an intimate party? Check Out 7 Interesting Drinking Games to Try

A lot of young people in Lagos have now switched to more intimate gatherings because of the COVID-19 restrictions, so there are more house parties and game nights. So what do you do when you have the crowd, the snacks, and the drinks but can’t get people to engage each other? Drinking games are a good way to break the ice. Drinking games challenge your intellectual and concentration ability, it also presents an opportunity to discover smart people you might want to establish friendship with.

Here are 6 games guaranteed to keep your party fun all through.

Disclaimer: Please do not drink beyond your capacity, we would not be held responsible for any behaviour arising from intoxication. Be sure that you are not drink driving after leaving the party.

  1. Name Game

The name game looks very simple but could actually become more difficult as you keep drinking. You begin with choosing the full name of a personality in any field-sports, movies, politics, media- the next person then mentions another personality in the same field whose name starts with the last or first letter of the initial personality’s name.

The person who stalls or makes an error, drinks. You may decide to twist the game anyhow you like and it could go on as long as you want.

Number of Players: 2- unlimited

  1. Mine Sweeper/Water of Shots

Mine Sweeper/Water of Shots is a very interesting and daring game. Make sure your liver can take the liquor. To play, you need to set up groups, arrange shot glasses according to the number of people in a group. Now, choose a lead player from the next team who fills about ¼ of the glasses with vodka and the rest with water. Randomly arrange the shots and the group members take turns to drink the shots without sipping or smelling.

  1. Fingers

The game of fingers requires a glass filled with some booze. All players begin by placing a finger on the rim of the glass. Each round, players have the option to leave their finger on the glass or remove it when a countdown reaches zero. The player who performs the countdown also guesses how many fingers will remain on the glass before the end of the countdown. If the guess is right, the player is safe to watch and out of the circle, but the player stays in/drink if the guess is wrong. This continues until only one player is left, who then has to drink the contents of the glass decided by all.

  1. Charades

You can download the charades app and choose which to play. You can either act/sing/dance out a word/phrase for their team members to guess. If you miss a word you get to drink.

  1. Lemon

This game does not involve physical lemons. It does involve a high level of concentration though. How to play? Give every participant a number, the game involves using the word ‘Lemon’ before calling out a number. You begin with the first player calling out the word ‘Lemon’ and their number followed by ‘Lemon’ and another participant’s number randomly. Whoever stalls or misses their turn gets to drink. You can make it more fun by choosing a dare as well.

  1. 5 Seconds

This game is for people who can think fast. You can download the app on the Google play store or iOS store. The rule of the game is simple, you must come up with 3 types of answers for the questions from the app under 5 seconds, and if you are unable to come up with all the answers before the buzzer rings, you drink.

  1. Question game

A very direct game that requires concentration as well. You must start with a question and respond to every question with a question. Whoever misses this or stalls have to drink. To make it more fun, make sure you ask questions that can throw participants off balance.






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